Quick Help File From MakeThemYS WhatIsIt ======== Welcome to MakethemYS, the Doors Util Made for MebbsNet Pro. With This Door, you can View Any file which exists on the BBS online.Most of the archiviers used in the Amiga world are known to Makethemys. You Can also extract Any File from ANY Archive on the bbs sothat you can put it in your own Archive which can be downloaded after you made your chose which files you want to put in your self created archive. You can also choose to create a Non Compressed archive, this way, you can select a textfile in a archive which can be downloaded real fast. Even DMS Files are FULLY supported in this door, if you select a DMS file, and you want to extract a file from it, you HAVE to enter not only the filename but also the directory name in which the file you choose resides. You Can view Text/ASCII files Online Before you decide to download the whole archive, You can even View Files which are Binairy, sothat you still know if the file is a old, ore New version. Only the ASCII Characters are shown of a binairy file. Option 1,View Files. ==================== If you press Option 1, you can view ANY file on the BBS, Wildcards are allowed. If you want to view for example the file : "ARCHIVE.LZH", you can use wildcards like this: "ARCH*", ore "ARC#?.LZH" etc. If you choose to use wildcards, the searching for that file can take some time to find...As you might quess, there might be other files on the BBS, which match the wildcard pattern, sothat you can see other files that match the wildcard pattern. If you know the whole name of the file, the file is found IMMEDIATALY so..Searching is not necesarry, and the file is listed right away. If you choose a file, and it seems that MakeThemYS does not know the file format, you will be prompted if you want to Hex/Ascii view this file This way you can see the ASCII characters of a Unknown file format..And you still be informed of the contents of a file. If you select a textFile that is Online, you can view this textfile Online Makethemys will show that textfile right away. Option 2, View a Text File. =========================== If you choose Option 2, you can enter a Archive name, again with ore without WildCards....Anbd after the door displays the ConTents of that archive, you can enter a filename which is IN the archive. This Must be A ASCII File, if that is true, the TextFile IN The archive will be shown to you online...This way you can read the docs of a Archive before you decide to download it. If the file you selected is a binairy file, you will be promted if you want to see all The ASCII Characters Online....This way you can see if a file is a older ore newer version than the one you want, cause many programs have dates in them, ore version numbers. Option 3, Extract a File. ========================= This option might be THE option you always wanted to use...You will be prompted to select a filename, this filename may exist out of wildcards. The wildcards allowed are : * and #?, this way, you can first search from the Filebase of the BBS, if you do not know the name exactly. Offcource, you can alos put : *.DMS do search all files with end with *.DMS. If you don't use Wildcards and enter the filename EXACTLY as it is called, the bbs will find it Immediataly, and the contentc of the file will be shown to you. After that, you will be prompted to enter a filename you want to extract do put in a archive, you can use One file name, but also wildcards are allowed in here. So, if you enter: *.DOC, all .DOC files will be extracted from the archive. After the First file you selected you will be prompted what archivier you want to use, this can be : Uncompressed, with .LHA, with .LZH ore .ZIP compression...,after the choice is made, you can select more files from the selected archive. If you DON't want to select file from that archive, you can either Download the Created file, ore you can select onother Archive from the BBS. If you choose the last one, you can enter a NEW archive name, and you can select files from this one too, Now you won't be prompted to select a Archivier used to create the created file, cause you already created one.....After you selected more files, these will be extracted and will be put in the File you already created. Than, you can choose to d/l it, ore...yes, put MORE files in it. After you downloaded it, and you choose to make onothet archive, the above described procedure will be replayed again. NOTE: ===== If you choose to select/extract file from a DMS file, you HAVE to enter the FULL Directory/Filename path....Forget about the device, just put the full directory and filename path in it, and the file willl be put in your archive. Option 4, List Available Areas. =============================== With this Option, you can view all Available areas on this BBS which you have Access To. This way, you might see an area, you never noticed. From these Areas, you can select Any File which you have Access To. Option 5, Select a tagged File ============================== This option can be used to select File Numbers, these files were AutoMatically tagged by MakeThemYourself, when you used Options (1) View Contents (2) View Inside an Archive in ASCI or HEX-ASCII (With registered sysops) (3) Extract Files from an Archive. So when any of this options were used, and you typed in a file name that had a Match, then THAT file is Added to the TagSystem that will displays these files in Option 5. The purpose of this option is: When you first used for example option 1 (View contents of a Archive), and than decided to use option 3 (Extract a File), you had to type the filename again, or do a scan (in registered versions). Now, after you selected a file in option 1,2,3, these files will be tagged, and will be displayed in option 5, in there you only have to enter the FileNumber, to view the contents, and extract a file from it, the search will be done automatically, Now with This option you donot have to type a file name 2 times, just goto option 5, and select the filenumber. Option D, Download a File. ========================== With this Option, you can decide to Download a file, which you created before, but decide that you want to add More files into that archive. If you decided NOT not add, any more files to that archive you created before, you can Press The 'D' Key to download the Marked File. The file you Created, will be send to you via MakethemYS. This option is Only Active, if you Created an archive but decided not to download it yet. Sothat that file is Marked....If there were any Marked files, this Option is Active, else you will be prompted that you haven't got any files Marked. Option H, HelpFile ================== This option will show the HelpFile, on how to use the door.... It's the File you are reading now. Option Q, Quit MakeThemYS. ========================== If you choose This option, you decided to Quit this door, However.... If you Created a file, and you haven't downloaded it yet, that file is still marked for download..And if you want to quit the door, that file is still Active for you. So, A check is done to see if there are still Marked Files, if there are, you will be prompted if you want to [D]ownload the file, or if you want to [K]ill, delete the file..If you choose Download, The file will be send, and after that, the door will Quit Automatically If you Choose to Kill it, the file will be deleted, and you can quit. If ther ARE Marked files, you MUST have to use these option, so you HAVE to DownLoad, ore HAVE to Kill the file. Extra's: ======== You always have to enter a minimum of 4 characters of a filename, this to shorten the file search if wildcards are allowed. When you want to Extract a file from a DMS file, you HAVE to put the full directory path WITH the file name at the prompt. Let's Say you want to extract the file : FF0:Libraries/AmigaGuide.library You have to fill in: libraries/amigaguide.library. WildCards are NOT allowed in DMS Files. Example of Wildcard Use ======================= TES*.LZH, Will find : TESTING.LZH,TESCHEME.LZH etc TES* , Will find : TESTING.LHA,TESTING.DMS,TESPE.EXE etc *.DMS , Will find : ALL .DMS FILES. Amiga Wildcards (#?) can be used also, but it is suggested you only use asterix (*), cause these are easier to use.